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Diabetes Statistics

Total: 23.6 million children and adults in the United States—7.8% of the population—have diabetes.

Diagnosed: 17.9 million people

Undiagnosed: 5.7 million people

Pre-diabetes: 57 million people

New Cases: 1.6 million new cases of diabetes are diagnosed in people aged 20 years and older each year.

Data from the 2007 National Diabetes Fact Sheet

Food & Fitness

Do you need to change your eating habits? Are you struggling to control your sweet tooth? When you have diabetes, including sweets in your diet requires careful planning. However, it can be hard to just save sweets for special occasions.

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There is no way to prevent Type 1 diabetes, as it is largely the result of genetics. However, with careful monitoring and regulation of blood glucose levels, in combination with diet and exercise, those with Type 1 can keep their diabetes under control.

For those at risk of developing Type 2 Diabetes, it is important to exercise regularly, eat a healthy well-balanced diet, maintain a healthy body weight, and keep an active lifestyle. Increased fat, especially around the middle of the body, makes it more difficult for your body to use insulin in the body correctly. If you have a family history of diabetes it is important to be pay close attention to the risk factors, maintain a healthy lifestyle, and to have your blood glucose tested regularly. Everyone ages 45 above should submit to a blood glucose test every three years.